The NEO Hungarian Public Benefit Organisation for Assistance Dogs
Special training and exam of assistance dogs
The NEO Hungarian Public Benefit Organisation for Assistance Dogs was formed in 2011. Its main aim is to represent the interests of people living with disabilities and supporting their integration into society with the help of specially trained dogs. Our profile primarily includes training and using mobility assistance dogs, hearing dogs and other special personal assistance dogs (eg. autism assistance dogs, dogs that are visual assistance dogs and mobility supporter dogs simultaneously, and therapy dogs.
Animal assisted therapy
Our therapy dog trainers help the work of professionals (for instance special educational teacher, psychologist, conductor teacher). Animal assisted activities/therapies are delivered by them for typically developing children or for children living with different disorders (hyperactivity, learning disabilities. autism) in several institutions or even for elderly people living in care homes.
Programs that provide a new approach and shape society’s perspective
Another mission of NEO is building social awareness through assistant dog demonstrations and sensitivity trainings: introducing the life of people living with different disabilities applying assistance dogs
- Assistance dog demonstrations for a big audience (eg., corporate events, equal chance days)
- Interactive sensitivity trainings for smaller groups (eg., kindergarten groups, school classes, workplaces).
“Instead of embarrassing and awkward whispering, students and the members of NEO get to know each other with genuine laughter. Canins and their volunteer owners brought a serious message which they interpret playfully.” (Nők Lapja, Health)
In the span of only a few years we held 133 sensitivity training (4300 people) and 202 shows (data from December, 2017.).
Who are we?
Our program was made and actualized with a new approach and the assistance of specialists (eg.,habilitation dog trainer, special education teacher, sociologist, psychologist) who live with disabilities, have their own service dog and voluntarily help the work of NEO.
Parasports with dogs
With sports that can be done with dogs (eg., agility, frisbee, ball-and sheep penning) we are able to encourage owners who live with disability. Several members of our organisation do sport with their service dog, participate in domestic and national competitions and we even have a multiply paragility world champion among us.
Surveys, feedbacks of our work’s effect
We use various methods to examine the effects of our programme. For example, we carried out a psychological survey among students, related to our sensitivity trainings which results were introduced on conferences as well as in scientific journals.
Storybook for kids
Kuku and his friends – Let’s get to know the world of assistance dogs together!
writer: Eszter Loványi
The aim of this storybook is to introduce the world of visual assistance dogs, mobility assistance dogs, hearing dogs, autism assistance dogs and the everyday life of their owners who live with disability.
- From Kuku’s point of view (hearing dog).
You can help too!
Our organisation is self-sustaining, our colleagues work voluntarily and many times we cover the expenses needed for everyday function from our personal resources (e.g. photocopying, travelling expenses, equipments). Even though our trainings are free of cost for the assistance dog-owner pair, we often experience the limits of our capacity, resources and financial opportunities. To expand our non-profit work and help more people in need of a service dog we gratefully receive any kind of aid and support.
1% tax number: 18211236-1-43
Account number:
Sberbank Magyarország Zrt. 14100608-18151749-01000001
Sberbank Magyarország Zrt. – IBAN HU43 1410 0608 1815 1749 0100 0001
NEO Magyar Segítőkutya Közhasznú Egyesület
Postal code: 1631 Budapest, Pf. 150.